Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New treatment to prevent cancer.

Glioblastoma is one of the most deadly human brain cancers. Radiation can temporarily shrink the tumor but they nearly always recur within weeks or months and a few patients survive longer than two years after diagnosis. Now scientists at the Standford University School of Medicine found a way to stop the cancer cells from growing back. They studied the tumor using mice. This discovery happened when the researchers realized that irradiated tumors turn to a little known pathway to generate blood vessels necessary for regrowth. Martin Brown discovered that the radiation meant to kill the cancer cells also destroys the existing blood vessels that nourish the tumor. As the result of that, it had to rely on a backup blood delivery pathway. Brown and his colleagues used a small molecule called AMD3100 to block this secondary tumor-growth process in the mice. It is possible that the researchers may be able to move relatively quickly into human trials. Still, the researches caution the whole process.

Check this Article out.

Friday, February 19, 2010

More Snow..?

Again, this week we only had two days. I like only having two days a week. It felt nice to get out of the house for once and actually have something to do. I got bored being snowed in all the time. And we are getting an even bigger storm! I heard it's supposed to be a blizzard? I'm getting kinda tired of all this snow. These back to back snow storms are crazy! I think this is the most snow we have had in a while. I like winter sometimes cause of the snow days, but I am ready to start wearing shorts and flip flops. Track starts pretty soon. I hope its not as cold as it has been this past week. I hope once it turns March all the snow will go away. I'll be glad when it's the end of May. So far we only have to make up one day. I hope to keep it that way. I don't like making up a bunch of days. And i definitely don't want to go far into our summer vacation.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow days!

Today is the first full day of school since we had a delay on Monday. I was glad we had 3 days off. I was surprised that we had Thursday off since we barely cancel. Now we only have one snow day left. Ridgewood and Riverview hasn't even gone to school this week. But they will have alot of days to make up. I did completely nothing in the past 3 days. I slept and ate. I did go out and play in the snow, but only for like 15 minutes. It was too cold. I am somewhat glad to come back. Gives me something to do besides fighting with my brother and eating too much. If we have another snow storm I hope its not to bad since we only have one day left. So far we will have our full spring break! I'm ready for warmer weather now. We had our good fix of winter weather this year. It's time to end.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow,Snow, Go Away!

Today we are supposedly going to get about 6-8 inches of snow with some wind, making the temperature even colder! The snow just melted from our last snow fall we got, and what happens we get double the snow.I hate snow. It's too cold and ruins my plans I have for the weekend. I should probably plan to move somewhere done south to like Florida or the Carolinas. That way I won't have to worry about snow and below freezing weather. I'm am ready for spring and for track to start up though. Just so I can stop laying around and watching T.V all day. I'm the type that can sit around all day, sleep and eat. But I am also ready for summer so I can sleep in everyday and do completely nothing all day. That's basically how I live my life. Nothing wrong with sleeping and eating all day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2010 Grammy's

I didn't get to watch the Grammy awards, because I forgot it was on. But I saw a lot of news about it on the Internet. Lady Gaga has quite a style. She wore a silver skyscraper dress that blew everyone away. You know its Lady Gaga if she is wear skyscrapers as an outfit. She has a great voice, and all her music is my favorite. Even though she is somewhat weird, its OK. People say Pink had the best performance of the night. With Tik Tok the best song to Ke$ha's name, her Grammy style disappointed her fans that night. I think people should lay of on the celebrities style. It's their style and they want to wear it. Beyonce took home six Grammy awards, Breaking a record for the most awards for a female! I hope next year I will remember the Grammy's are on and watch it!